Obama’s Penny Cabinet

The President has finally called his first Cabinet meeting.

The purpose?  To slash the budget by a total of $100 million!

Which is exactly one penny from every $400 of planned spending for this year.

“Hey Martha! We’re in really deep financial trouble.  We’ve got to get serious about the budget.  How about we skip that Tuesday Tall Latte on alternate weeks?” 

Face it, most of us have eyes that begin the hokey pokey somewhere on the road between a million and a trillion, and the President’s ever-faithful Press Corps Poodles are even worse at math.

They’ll be painting it as a sincere effort to do something serious about wasteful spending. 

And we’ll buy it.  Just watch. 

And I’m just stumped.


The cabinet story is here:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/19/AR2009041902009.html

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